
We design herb and tea blends, or maybe we should say ‘orchestrate’: we strive to find a beautiful balance of ground tones, fine mids and some surprising high notes. Our objective is to make blends that can be enjoyed by everyone, giving them some extra love, care and wonderful worthwhile nutrients and active constituents while enjoying a chill moment and some fantastic tastes. But our blends can also be used for some specific health support if used for a while. (Rule of thumb is to take a break after six weeks of consistent use, before your body gets ‘lazy’ and is tempted to leave its fine art of balancing to the herbs :-))

The ingredients we use are natural, rich and diverse. In our tea blends we combine beautiful and unique herbs and spices to create magical taste symbioses. Because of the different properties of the different natural ingredients, the tastes of our teas evolve over time. Some tastes color the tea quite fast while others pop-up only after a few minutes, when the hot water has reached and desolved the active constituents of that particular kind of plant part, changing the experience, bringing new and interesting taste combinations and sensations to the surface. Because we only use the finest ingredients, you will be able to enjoy every second of this trip, as a changing scenery passes your Tea-L-C moment.

With our tea blends there is no need to strain. The taste will develop and change but will stay beautifully balanced.  Add a tablespoon to a litre of boiled water and you’re good to go and/or chill. Take your time enjoying it! Our teas taste delightfully delicious both hot and cooled.

We hope you enjoy!

Who is ‘WE’

Roeland is a great cook and host who loves good times and things that taste well. He spent the last decade providing beats and melodies for parties all over the world, mixing and matching to accommodate the atmosphere of the evening. Educated as a designer he uses his creator’s curiosity to manipulate the mood of the moment and take the crowd on a journey away from the worries of the day.

Gemma is of the nerdy kind, always learning and loving it. Because of some persistent health issues she dove into the medicinal magic of herbs. What started out as a practical need, became a passionate journey and after studying the subject for over a decade (and receiving several diploma’s – with distinction) she is able to not only make herbal remedies that work but that actually taste great!

Together we started this tea brand, because we believe there should be more things in life that make you feel good…

If you have questions, suggestion or just want to drop us a line, we would be happy to hear from you.
And eventhough our website is in English, a note in Dutch is welkom too 🙂