What do de L and C stand for?

TLC is an abbreviation for Tender Loving Care. Which is key to love, life, health & happiness and making daring & delicious tea. Although we find you get similar stunning results with a cup of fine tea, love and care…

Do use artificial flavours in your blends?

Hell no! We started this brand because we discovered how fantastic plants can taste, wondering why anyone would drink (or eat, for that matter) fake stuff that makes you ill, while you could drink seriously delicious stuff that is actually good for you (and costs less…). We don’t use anything artificial, even our boxes are biodegradable and we’re not employing any artificial intelligence either.

Why do all your pots look different?

We’re just starting out and decided to stamp our first batches. Because printed pot are only available if you buy over a thousand at a time AND because we like the DIY vibe. We are proud to be a small company defying the big settled establishment, so we love this pink punk in our approach.

But because every stamp is done with love by hand, we realise that if or when we grow, we might outgrow this method, and we will have to do things differently. So, enjoy it while it last!

How do I get the same amount of those cute yellow flowers per portion Tasty Booster?

Well, you won’t… Nor will you catch the same amount of bountiful berries or marvellous mushrooms of our other blends on every spoon. While spooning your blend into a pot or glass, you will get slight differences in proportion in your portions :-). The taste symbiose will still work, though, you just get a some deeper bass notes, some more melodies in the mid or a more prominent solo of the highs. That’s life. Not every sunrise is the same, but you can count on it to be beautiful.

There are some bigger pieces in my blend that don’t fit my tea egg. What do I do?

There are many things you can do. Three of which will resolve the problem:
1. Ditch the egg. It is better for the flavour of the herbs can swim a bit anyway… We advice a bigger cup-size sieve or a pot with a sieve.
2. Make it fit! Cut it, break it, bend it.
3. Take the outside-the-box approach; just toss it in the water along with your egg. If it is too big to fit, you probably won’t swallow it by accident.

In the meanwhile we are saving up for a heavy duty grinder that can chop things in beautiful little pieces without breaking or bending. So hang in there!

Why is your site (only) in English if you are a Dutch company?

 Dutch will follow. We have many friends who don’t speak Dutch and none that don’t speak English. We do have some that bristle at all the English everywhere… For them we added this well meant word of Dutch: Sorry.

Tea-L-C, Tea, loving, care