Herbs and Health (issues)

No tea can substitude a healthy lifestyle or medical attention if needed. When in doubt visit your doctor.

But herbs can do a lot… especially if you have some patience and start at the source of the problem. The source of the problem isn’t always obvious, though. But it is becoming painfully clear that modern living and modern eating habits take its toll on body and mind. Digestive support has been proven to clear up mood and skin conditions, for instance. Stress relieve aids digestion and alleviates mental complaints like anxiety and (mild) depression. Immune support helps us to stay strong and healthy when facing internal and external battles or hardships. They can keep us going and keep us safe. Taking preventative care of your body, mind and soul pays off.

Our tea blends can give some worthwhile digestive or immune support, stress relief and a whole lot more! One cup will give you a marvellous tasting beverage, can take the edge off, help your focus or lift you up in the moment, but it may not change much in the long run. If you feel you could use some specific support, take a specific blend for a while. We’ve seen splendid results! (Rule of thumb is to take a break after six weeks of consistent use, before your body gets ‘lazy’ and is tempted to leave its fine art of balancing to the herbs.)

Note that all ingredients (not only ours) have different effects on different people. We advice you to drink our teas with care, and pay attention on how they make you feel. We actually would like to advice this strategy to all you consume and all you do. 🙂 Use and choose wisely.