Herbs and Allergies

All the ingredients we use are safe to use and have been used by mankind for centuries. No nuts or grains were used and no shellfish. But it is always possible some of the herbs might cause an allergic reaction. As with all substances you touch or take in, allergies are possible. Allergy to spices and herbs often involves local reactions in the mouth causing itching, swelling of lips and tongue, or rashes.

Everybody reacts different to different substances. If you find you have an unwanted reaction to any of the blends, take note of the ingredients and be careful with those in other blends.

On the other hand, a lot of these herbs are known to alleviate symptoms of allergy. 🙂 We advice you to drink our teas with care. Start with a glass a day. If that feels good, try a pot. Pay attention on how it makes you feel. Use and choose wisely. We actually would like to advice this strategy to all you do and all you consume.