
We try our best to operate as responsibly as possible. We use no plastics in the production or packaging of our products, although we haven’t yet managed to get the plastic out of the products of our suppliers. But we talk to them about it. We search for fair trade where possible and organic when available. But in real life things are not as black and white. Some traditional producers are working 100% biologically, respecting their environment whose wellbeing is, as they are well aware, integral to the quality and the future of their product. They just don’t bother with the bureaucracy that is necessary for the certification, because their product is loved and renowned as it is. On the flip side, some companies sporting all the certificates lack the love and quality we would like to see in a product.

No tea bags

We don’t sell portion sized tea bags. First of all because the ingredients need to move and swim to extract the maximum of flavour and active constituents. Second of all it is our believe it is important to know what you consume. We take care to find and combine the best ingredients for our products. Take a good look and revel in the beauty of nature. And maybe the most important reason is we believe we need to make life simpler, less swamped in stuff and waste. By not using teabags we cut out a whole production chain because, no matter how responsible the production method, less is less…

Actually we are quite upset about the fact so many tea brands traded their fine paper bags for plastic. Even before we started this brand we started writing letters to let them know that ‘this is NOT what the costumer wants’.